365 Hadith with Stories

365 Hadith with Stories

Publisher : Goodword Books
ISBN Number : 9788178988771
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 382 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st July, 2014
This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life. Reading these hadith and stories, children will come to know how ordinary incidents and day to day activities can be seen and better understood in the light of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. These charming stories and heart-warming sayings of the Prophet, enlivened by stunning and colourful illustrations, will become a wonderful accompaniment for children on their path to understanding the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, to appreciating the glory and kindness of Allah, and will bring them closer to their Prophet and Creator.


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