Among the Believers : An Islamic Journey

Among the Believers : An Islamic Journey

Writer : V.S. Naipaul
Publisher : Picador
ISBN Number : 9780330522823
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 512 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 3rd September, 2010
Among the Believers is V. S. Naipaul’s classic account of his journeys through Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia; ‘the believers’ are the Muslims he met on those journeys, young men and women battling to regain the original purity of their faith in the hope of restoring order to a chaotic world. It is a uniquely valuable insight into modern Islam and the comforting simplifications of religious fanaticism. ‘This book investigates the Islamic revolution and tries to understand the fundamentalist zeal that has gripped the young in Iran and other Muslim countries . . . He is a modern master.’ - Sunday Times ‘His level of perception is of the highest, and his prose has become the perfect instrument for realizing those perceptions on the page. His travel writing is perhaps the most important body of work of its kind in the second half of the century.’ - Martin Amis, author of Time's Arrow.

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