Truth to Power

Truth to Power

Writer : Jess Phillips
Publisher : Monoray
Category : Non-Fiction
ISBN Number : 9781913183097
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 224 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st September, 2020
This is a POWERFUL little book. Entertaining, empowering and uncompromising, it offers inspiration and practical help to people who want to speak out at a time when many of us feel the world isn't listening. It will help you dig deep and speak up. Speaking truth to power takes courage. Jess Phillips shows you how to identify the problem, form a plan, and to speak out using the exact same tools that those who have been put on a pedestal of being 'brave' have used to deal with the fear, the conflict and - let's be honest - the awkwardness that can come from telling your boss, your family, your neighbour that something is bullsh*t. As well as offering inspiration and hope from her own experiences Jess talks to high-profile people on the world stage who have been brave enough to risk everything, become whistle-blowers and successfully fight back. TRUTH TO POWER will help you change things. It will help you slam down that manager in the office you have tolerated for years; or tell your mate that you hate the way they talk about your husband or wife. It will help call out bullies in all walks of life. It will help you rally support and fight the fight against injustice - even though the odds seem stacked against you.


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