

Writer : James Joyce
Category : Non-Fiction
ISBN Number : 9788175994546
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 800
Language : English
Published Date : 15th June, 2017
Love Loves to Love Love.” June 16, 1904; Dublin. As the day begins, Stephen Dedalus is displeased with his friend and remains aloof. A little later, he teaches history at Garrett Deasy’s boys’ school. Leopold Bloom begins his day by preparing breakfast for his wife, Molly Bloom. He serves it to her in bed along with the mail. As their day unfolds, Joyce paints for us a picture of not only what’s happening outside but also what’s happening inside their minds. Drawing on the characters, motifs and symbols of Homer’s Odyssey, James Joyce’s Ulysses is a remarkable modernist novel. It has lived through various criticisms and controversies and has undergone several theatre, film and television adaptations. It continues to remain a literary masterpiece.


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