Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich

Writer : Napoleon Hill
Publisher : RHUK
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9780091900212
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 320 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 7th October, 2004
Think And Grow Rich is a book that aims to show you just how you can condition your thinking, to think like the rich. This is what the author believes will help you get rich as well. After interviewing over 500 influential rich men and women, the author has been able to get a good understanding of just how the rich became that way. Through thirteen simple rules that are offered in this book, you are shown just how you can train your mind to think like the rich, which will eventually lead you to riches as well. In the updated version of this book, the readers are provided with many examples of countless men and women, who have been able to apply the principles that Napoleon Hill has elaborated upon. These individuals are living proof of the authenticity of Hill's theories, as they have been able to acquire riches, just by following his instructions.


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