The Students’ Companion

The Students’ Companion

Publisher : Rupa Publications
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9788129119957
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 272
Language : English
Published Date : 1st June, 2012
Do you sometimes find it difficult to extract information from a text? Do encyclopaedias seem cluttered, long and laborious to read? The Student's Companion is an ideal book for the reader on the move, which offers a range of knowledge in an easy and accessible manner. This book covers a wide variety of subjects: the universe, world history, world organizations, geographical features of India, glimpses of Indian history, the Indian constitution, India's achievements in science, quantitative ability and vocabulary, among other things. Key Features Handy and perfect as a quick reference guide. Offers knowledge in a simple and clear manner. Ideal for students. Covers a range of subjects: politics, geography, math, history and general-knowledge. Equips and prepares students for a variety of academic subjects.

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