Walk in My Combat Boots

Walk in My Combat Boots

Publisher : Arrow Books
ISBN Number : 9781787465916
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 416 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 28th October, 2021
Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines speak in their own words about real life in today's armed forces.These are the brutally honest stories usually only shared amongst comrades in arms; stories of life-and-death decisions, and learning how to live with the effects of horrific injuries, both physical and mental. In the voices of the men and women who've fought overseas, from Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, this is a rare eye-opening look into what it's really like to wear the uniform, fight in combat, lose friends and come home. Walk in my Combat Boots is a powerful collection of never-before-told war stories crafted from hundreds of original interviews by James Patterson, the world's most trusted storyteller, and First Sergeant US Army (Ret.) Matt Eversmann, part of the Ranger unit involved in the infamous Battle of Mogadishu portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down.

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