The Personal MBA

The Personal MBA

Writer : Josh Kaufman
Publisher : Portfolio Penguin
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9780670919536
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 446 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 6th September, 2012
True leaders aren't made by business schools. They make themselves getting a MBA degree has become difficult to justify not just because of the large price tag but also because of the growing impracticality. Even the elites like Harvard and Wharton offer outdated, assembly-line programs that teach you more about power point presentations than about how business really works. For ten years, Josh Kaufman's the personal MBA has served as an effective alternative introducing hundreds of thousands of readers to the most powerful business concepts of all time. He shares the essentials of entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, negotiation, operations, productivity, systems design, and much more, in one comprehensive volume.

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