Breathe Believe Balance

Breathe Believe Balance

Publisher : Pan
ISBN Number : 9789389109603
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 304 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 3rd August, 2020
‘An “out-of-the-box” approach to performance enhancement’ Mahesh Bhupathi' This book will benefit the readers in transforming their lives positively' Gaur Gopal Das‘ Inspiring, uplifting and thought-provoking’ Lara Dutta‘ A must-read for anyone searching for equilibrium in life’ Brad Hodge‘ A powerful, practical guide to self-discovery’ Soha Ali Khan' Profound and sophisticated' Kristina Mand Lakhiani‘ A very useful book’ Max Miryni​​‘ Simple yet powerful’ Sania Mirza' Powerful book' Amit Mookim‘ This book shows a deep understanding of the human condition’ Shunali Khullar Shroff Breathe Believe Balance is one part memoir and one part guide to self-discovery. It is an intimate account of the lessons Shayamal Vallabhjee learnt while growing up during South Africa's apartheid era, from living the life of a monk and travelling the globe with professional athletes. He has popularized the concept of 'Balance' in India. Using his knowledge and experience from the worlds of science, spirituality, and psychology, in this book, Vallabhjee takes you through this introspective and self-healing journey. From understanding the importance of self-love to decoding the science of healthy relationships; from learning to be emotionally present in every conversation to engineering your environment for success, Breathe Believe Balance helps you take a deeper look at your life. Offering a scientific analysis of the human psyche and packed with useful questionnaires, this book is your guide to self-transformation and personal mastery.

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