Battles Map by Map

Battles Map by Map

Writer : DK
Publisher : DK
ISBN Number : 9780241446348
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 288 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 6th May, 2021
Explore the world's most famous battles by their geography. This book maps out ancient, medieval, and modern battles from where they happened and progressed. If you're interested in finding out more about the wars fought through the ages, this book is perfect for you. Wars such as the Battle of Alesia, Napoleonic Wars, and World War II are mapped out so that readers can follow the geography of these epic battles. Battles Map by Map puts you in the seat of famous generals and commanders such as Rameses II, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great who expertly planned their attacks by studying the plains on which they would take place. [Country of Origin: UK]

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