Hold Up the Sky

Hold Up the Sky

Writer : Cixin Liu
Publisher : Head of Zeus
Category : Science Fiction
ISBN Number : 9781838937621
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 416 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st April, 2021
In Hold Up the Sky, Cixin Liu takes us across time and space, from a rural mountain community where elementary students must use physics to prevent an alien invasion; to coal mines in northern China where new technology will either save lives of unleash a fire that will burn for centuries; to a time very much like our own, when superstring computers predict our every move; to 10,000 years in the future, when humanity is finally able to begin anew; to the very collapse of the universe itself. Written between 1999 and 2017 and never before published in English, these stories came into being during decades of major change in China and will take you across time and space through the eyes of one of science fiction's most visionary writers. Experience the limitless and pure joy of Cixin Liu's writing and imagination in this stunning collection.

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