The Universe of Us

The Universe of Us

Writer : Lang Leav
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
Category : Poetry
ISBN Number : 9781449480127
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 240 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 10th October, 2016
International best-selling author of Love and Misadventure, Lullabies (Goodreads Readers Choice Award) and Memories Lang Leav presents a completely new collection of poetry with a celestial theme in the Universe of Us. Planets, stars and constellations feature prominently in this beautiful, original poetry collection from Lang Leav. Inspired by the wonders of the universe, the best-selling poetess writes about love and loss, hope and hurt, being lost and found. Lang's poetry encompasses the breadth of emotions we all experience and evokes universal feelings with her skillfully crafted words.

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