Keto Diet

Keto Diet

Writer : Josh Axe
Publisher : Orion Spring
ISBN Number : 9781409187110
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 336 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 3rd August, 2019
Today, the ketogenic diet is the world's fastest growing diet, and with good reason. When practiced correctly, it has been proven to burn fat, reduce inflammation, balance hormones and gut bacteria. Unfortunately, many people remain unaware of several key factors that are crucial to the diet's success, setting them up for frustration, failure, and relapse. In KETO DIET, bestselling author Dr. Josh Axe sets the record straight, offering thorough, step-by-step guidance to achieving lifelong health. Unlike other books on the subject, KETO DIET identifies and details five different ketogenic protocols, and explains why picking the right one for your body and lifestyle is fundamental to your success. Complete with shopping lists, delicious recipes, complimentary exercise routines, and accessible explanations of the science, KETO DIET will give readers all the tools they need to say goodbye to stubborn fat and chronic disease once and for all.

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