How Not To Die

How Not To Die

Publisher : Pan
ISBN Number : 9781509852505
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 672 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 28th December, 2017
Why rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions can prevent you from falling ill to begin with? Based on the latest scientific research, How Not To Die examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how increasing our consumption of certain foods and avoiding others can dramatically reduce our risk of falling sick and even reverse the effects of disease. It also shares Dr Greger's 'Daily Dozen' – the twelve foods we should all eat every day to stay in the best of health. With emphasis on individual family health history and acknowledging that everyone needs something different, Dr Michael Greger offers practical dietary advice to help you live longer, healthier lives. 'Dr Michael Greger reveals the foods that will help you live longer' – Daily Mail

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