Chinese Myths and Folk Tales

Chinese Myths and Folk Tales

Publisher : Barnes & Noble Inc
ISBN Number : 9781435169852
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 704 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 7th March, 2020
Chinese culture is rich with marvelous folklore, and this exquisitely designed collection draws on that magnificent historical repository. It features more than 200 fables and tales chosen from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio and other classic compendiums. Here are legends of ancient demons, strange ghosts, magic swords, evil sorcerers, diabolical transformations, flying ogres, fairy foxes, powerful gods, and more. They include: The Painted Wall, The Flower Nymphs, The Boatmen of Lao-lung, The King of the Nine Mountains, The Disowned Princess, and dozens more. The book, Chinese Myths and Folk Tales is the Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classic Collection.

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