The Illustrated Mahabharata

The Illustrated Mahabharata

Writer : DK
Publisher : DK
ISBN Number : 9789388372343
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 512 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 5th September, 2017
This beautiful retelling of the epic is an exploratory and visually stunning journey of lost kingdoms and characters that resonate with millions of people across the world. This edition of the Mahabharata, brings the world’s longest epic to life, and comes with a foreword by Mahabharata scholar Bibek Debroy. With more than 500 stunning images showcasing India’s varied art forms, the book encapsulates stories from all 18 chapters, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Harivamsha in a uniquely accessible way. With clarity and simplicity, the stories reveal the eternal relevance of the Mahabharata, an epic that has shaped Indian thought for over 3,000 years.


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