The History Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)

The History Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)

Writer : DK
Publisher : DK
ISBN Number : 9780241225929
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 352 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st July, 2016
From the founding of Baghdad, and the colonization of the Americas, to the inception of Buddhism, The History Book highlights key ideas, themes, and events of world history without complicated jargon, just short, pithy explanations. Part of DK's award-winning Big Ideas educational series that uses witty graphics and engaging descriptions to enlighten readers. Don't stop at British history, explore the world! Full of fun facts from the human story, going as far back as the origins of our species to space exploration today. Discover all things revolution, from the French to the digital, including the rise of the internet. Short and sweet biographies of some of the most important thinkers and leaders throughout history, such as Martin Luther King Jr, Charles Darwin, and Nelson Mandela. You'll learn who said famous historical quotes, and what they really meant when they said it.


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