Graphic Design for Everyone

Graphic Design for Everyone

Writer : Cath Caldwell
Publisher : DK
ISBN Number : 9780241343814
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 224 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 4th July, 2019
Use design to transform your ideas into powerful visuals that connect with the right audience, define your brand, or take your project to the next level. Students, entrepreneurs, community groups, social media influencers, bloggers or campaigners: this practical guide is for you, and everyone else who wants to learn how to communicate visually, combining the building blocks of type, photography, illustration, and colour to create designs that inform, influence, and enthral. All the key principles of graphic design are explained via a series of specially created, beautifully streamlined graphics that show, rather than tell, you what you need to know. In addition, detailed how-to demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and inspirational galleries of the best design will help you to achieve your aims, from creating a brand identity or setting the right mood by choosing the best typeface, to organizing the elements of a layout to boost your message and meaning.


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