The Economics Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)

The Economics Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)

Writer : DK
Publisher : DK
Category : 30% Discount
ISBN Number : 9781409376415
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 352 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 20th August, 2012
What happens in a recession? How does money work? Why do we pay taxes? Economics affects every aspect of our lives, from how we get to work to where we spend our money-and big economic ideas continue to shape the world. Written in plain English, The Economics Book is packed with short, pity explanations that cut through the jargon, step-by-step diagrams that untangle knotty theories, classic quotes that make economics memorable, and witty illustrations that enhance and play with our understanding of economics. Whether you're a beginner, and avid student, or an armchair expert, you'll find plenty to stimulate you within this book.

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