Forbidden Advice

Forbidden Advice

Publisher : Reader's Digest
ISBN Number : 9780276443121
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 352 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 30th May, 2008
Have you ever thought "if only I'd known how the system really works, I could have made better decisions, saved money and who knows what else?" If you have, this book is for you. It is packed with closely guarded expert hints and tips for living life easier and smarter, with insider secrets straight from the mouths of people who know, including doctors, dentists, builders, teachers and solicitors. ‘Forbidden Advice’ touches on almost every aspect of life, from health and relationships to work and education, revealing secrets such as: effective remedies that a doctor may never mention; healthy green alternatives to chemicals in cleaning products and pesticides; the best bargains whether you're shopping for clothes, groceries or major household appliances; professional advice for getting ahead at work and surviving office politics; how to fight for your legal rights; and insider tips for finding top entertainment at budget prices, travelling cheaply and safely, getting the best education for your children and much, much more.

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