Ocean (The Definite Visual Guide)

Ocean (The Definite Visual Guide)

Writer : DK
Publisher : DK
ISBN Number : 9781409353997
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 512 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st September, 2014
This stunning and comprehensive book unveils how the underwater world operates: its tidal rhythms, currents, tsunamis, and typhoons. It also showcases some of the most beautiful and diverse marine flora, including seaweeds such as limey petticoats, giant kelp and oyster thief, as well as coastal fish and marine creatures such as the lanternfish, adapted to live in the remotest part of the ocean's depths. Ocean captures the beauty and scientific complexity of this vital habitat and at a time when global warming poses a real threat, it is essential reading for everyone interested in marine conservation.


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