The Leader You Want to Be

The Leader You Want to Be

Writer : Amy Jen Su
Category : Business
ISBN Number : 9781633695917
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 256 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 10th December, 2019
Do you find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? Do you want to do more, yet feel you just can't add another thing to your plate without being overwhelmed by stress or compromising your health, relationships, and integrity? No doubt, as a leader, there are some days when you feel the flow. You're able to make a difference and achieve big goals. You feel confident and energized. On days like this, you are your best self--the leader you want to be. But on other days, you go down a different, negative path, with pressures and doubts making you feel like a lesser version of yourself.


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