Danger Time

Danger Time

Writer : R. L. Stine
ISBN Number : 9780439121866
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 144
Language : English
Published Date : n/a
There's a new store at the mall and it looks pretty cool. It's about time! It is filled with all sorts of clocks and a mysterious storekeeper named Chronos. He's a wizard who says he needs your help in diffusing a time bomb which-if it explodes-will stop time forever. But you'd better watch out-a bunch of thugs-called the Time Police-just burns in with some nasty-looking weapons. Do you try to help Chronos or run away? If you stick to the wizard-you'll be transported to another time wrap where creatures from the zodiac are on the prowl. If you bolt-you'll face the fierce looking Time Police who looked pretty ticked off-at you!


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