From a Buick 8

From a Buick 8

Writer : Stephen King
Publisher : Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN Number : 9781444708110
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 496 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 13th October, 2011
From a Buick 8 is a series of recollections by the members of Troop D, a police barracks in Western Pennsylvania. After Curtis Wilcox, a well-liked member of Troop D, is killed by a drunk driver, his son Ned begins to visit Troop D. The cops, the dispatcher and the custodian quickly take a liking to him, and soon begin telling him about the "Buick 8" of the title. It is in some sense a ghost story in the way that the novel is about a group of people telling an old but unsettling tale about a Buick Roadmaster. And while the Buick 8 is not a traditional ghost, it is indeed not of their world.


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