Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

Writer : Emily Brontë
Publisher : Harper Business
Category : Non-Fiction
ISBN Number : 9780007350810
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 400
Language : English
Published Date : n/a
The book Wuthering Heights (Collins Classics) is a famous novel of English literature written in 1846. A beautiful work of fiction that captures the evil of jealousy and vengefulness. The novel was considered brutal, mentally and physically cruel and very stark in the days of the Victorian idealistic era. Over the years it became more and more popular and is considered one of the best works in English literature for its strong characters and vivid emotions. The story is narrated by Mr. Lockwood, who happens to rent Thrushcross Grange and comes across the moorland farmhouse named Wuthering Heights. The owner and landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, is the man around whom the story revolves. The mistress of the Wuthering Heights tells Mr. Lockwood how an orphan boy was adopted by the English family, who were the original owners of Wuthering Heights and was named Heathcliff. She explains how eventually Heathcliff became the owner of both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange and how Heathcliff dwelled in revenge and jealousy towards Catherine, whom he was in love with even though she married another man and how their next generation survived Heathcliff's uncouth ways. Full of twist and turns and with extreme emotional quotients, the story has an eeriness in its narrative that has made it an enduring classic. The description of the characters, the house, the scenery and the illustrative portrayal of strong human emotions give this novel an identity that no other story has managed to ape. The story has been adapted into motion pictures, theatre shows, TV series, musicals and has been included in academic literature books. This reprint edition of Wuthering Heights (Collins Classics) was published in 2010 by Harper Press. It is available in paperback. Key Features: This book is an all-time classic of English literature.

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