How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job

How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job

Writer : Dale Carnegie
Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9789352665044
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 176 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st January, 2018
The present book, how to enjoy your life and your job by famous American writer and lecturer of interpersonal Skills - Dale Carnegie, aims to banish worry and fatigue from your life and learn how to achieve the perfect work-life balance. This book is going to help the readers develop a positive mental attitude, overcome their depression, inferiority complex and boredom and build your strength. Since its first publication, This book has helped many readers and followers of Dale Carnegie change their lives completely and bring positive energy to life. This book guides a reader on ways in which one can create a complementing balance between their work life and their personal life. This way, a person can lead a fulfilling and mentally peaceful life.

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