The Swiss Family Robinson

The Swiss Family Robinson

Category : Fiction
ISBN Number : 9789382607410
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 240
Language : English
Published Date : 1st January, 2015
The Swiss family Robinson is about the Robinson family comprising the father, mother and their four young sons who get shipwrecked on their way from Switzerland to new guinea. Before long, the family is on shore and exploring a deserted island full of exotic animals, charming locations and hidden dangers. Cut off from the comforts and companionship of other humans, they use their familiarity with natural history to find the resources and build the tools to construct a canoe, weave cloth, irrigate a garden, tame animals and construct dwellings. Soon they become masters of their new environment, rising to its many challenges and using their ingenuity to avail themselves of its abundant resources. This adventurous tale of survival demonstrates how one can overcome odds through sheer grit and determination; optimism; boundless enthusiasm; perseverance; hard work and self-reliance

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