

Writer : Amartya Sen
Publisher : Penguin
Category : 30% Discount
ISBN Number : 9780141037851
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 496
Language : English
Published Date : 1st January, 2010
Amartya Sen throws the concept of justice under the spot-light by establishing The Idea of Justice as a reason to ponder about how the society is being unjust. It talks about what can be done to make society more fair and the need to realize that tomorrow never comes when it is about seeking justice. In this book, arguments against social evils and words of motivation for what is integral and right for the society are discussed. An epitome of the values contained in the country's Constitution, The Idea of Justice is a beacon of vision that every citizen of the country must see, grow into, achieve and stand-up for. There is integrity, equality, tolerance, benevolence, honesty and power in this book, making it a torch that spreads the light of a nation's belief system. The Idea of Justice was published by Penguin UK in 2010 and is available as a paperback. Key Features: The way to finding peace in co-existence among diverse beings and using harmony to control chaos are some of the key notes to be observed in the book. The language used in this book is simple and easily conveys the concepts that it speaks of.

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