Chaitanya Mahaprabhu The Story of Bengals Greatest Bhakti

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu The Story of Bengals Greatest Bhakti

Writer :
Publisher : Juggernaut
Category : 30% Discount
ISBN Number : 9789391165970
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 224
Language : n/a
Published Date : 12th April, 2022
A sensitive, moving and deeply researched telling of Sri Chaitanya’s life In this beautifully written, lovingly evoked book, acclaimed author Chitrita Banerji brings alive one of our greatest medieval saints – Chaitanya Mahaprabhu of Nabadwip, Bengal. A mystic who believed in love over ideology, song and dance over ritual, and who revolutionized religion in Bengal, Chaitanya is one of the few medieval religious figures who is worshipped even today through the ISKCON movement.

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