Lullabies (Volume 2)

Lullabies (Volume 2)

Writer : Lang Leav
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
Category : Romance , Poetry
ISBN Number : 9781449461072
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 248 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 16th September, 2014
A sequel to the hugely popular, best-selling Love & Misadventure, Lullabies continues to explore the intricacies of love and loss. Set to a musical theme, love's poetic journey in this new, original collection begins with a Duet and travels through Interlude and Finale with an Encore popular piece from the best-selling Love & Misadventure. Lang Leav's evocative poetry speaks to the soul of anyone who is on this journey. Leav has an unnerving ability to see inside the hearts and minds of her readers. Her talent for translating complex emotions with astonishing simplicity has won her a cult following of devoted fans from all over the world.

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