

Publisher : Yellow Kite
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9781529366839
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 288 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 27th May, 2021
Discover how to embrace the imperfect with Kintsugi. Apply this ancient principle to your life and you will learn how to repair yourself, rebuild your life and love your flaws. Japanese Kintsugi masters delicately patch up broken ceramics with gold adhesive, leaving the restoration clearly visible to others. Psychologist Tomás Navarro believes that we should approach our lives with the same philosophy. Everyone faces suffering, but it is the way in which we overcome our troubles, and heal our emotional wounds, that is key. We shouldn't conceal our repairs, they are proof of our strength. Navarro presents real solutions to genuine problems that he has seen in his professional practice. His anecdotes demonstrate that it is possible to transform adversity or setbacks into a strength. His psychological understanding and perspective will leave you feeling courageous and prepared, should you experience misfortune, be it heartbreak, a job loss or bereavement. Often practised alongside Ikigai (or the art of finding one's life purpose), Kintsugi shows you how happiness can be found again, often against all odds. A painful experience can in fact make you a more determined individual, ready to face the world with optimism.

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