The Unlisted (Book One)

The Unlisted (Book One)

Publisher : Hachette India
ISBN Number : 9788194715320
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 192 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 31st July, 2021
There's nothing Dru Sharma fears more than the dentist. So when his school runs a compulsory dental check-up, Dru convinces his identical twin, Kal, to take his spot. What the twins don't realize is that the check-up has been initiated by Infinity Group, a mysterious organization aiming to control the hearts, minds and bodies of the world's youth. Using high-tech electronic implants, Infinity plans to create an army of young soldiers who can be manipulated to obey any order. With Dru 'Unlisted' and outside Infinity's control, it's a race against time to uncover the truth of the operation. Alongside a group of underground vigilante teens, Dru and Kal will have to do whatever it takes to thwart Infinity's sinister plans before it's too late.

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