The Artisan Kitchen

The Artisan Kitchen

Publisher : DK
Category : Non-Fiction
ISBN Number : 9780241399774
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 256 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 3rd September, 2020
Giving a modern twist to age-old techniques, this book shows how to master 25 different cooking and preserving processes, from fermenting to cheese making, hot smoking to sourdough baking. Discover how to culture the perfect batch of sweet-sour kombucha; make a fresh-tasting chutney; dry cure bresaola; create your own unique sourdough starter; and slow roast over an open wood fire. Be inspired to experiment with more than 150 recipe ideas. Embark on your next culinary adventure and revolutionize your enjoyment of food. Escape to The Artisan Kitchen.

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