Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Writer : Ben Brooks
Publisher : Wren & Rook
ISBN Number : 9781526362896
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 160 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 31st March, 2021
What do you think of when you hear the word 'hero'? Is it the wall-climbing, cape-wearing, villain-fighter you see in comics and films? Heroes can actually come in all forms, shapes and sizes. Some cook for the hungry. Some nurse the poorly back to health. Others raise money for important causes. From small acts of kindness to inventions that have saved the lives of hundreds of people, every person in this book has found their passion - or their superpower. No matter how big or small it might be, your power can be used to change the world for the better too. So put away the cape, climb down from that wall and discover how ordinary people can still do extraordinary things and become heroes. Written by Ben Brooks, the bestselling author of the Dare to Be Different books, and paired with vibrant comic-style illustrations throughout, this is the perfect guide for the budding superhero in your life!

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