Second World War Sandwich

Second World War Sandwich

Publisher : Pan
Category : Fiction
ISBN Number : 9789389109528
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 244 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 4th April, 2021
April 1944: The Imperial Japanese Army lays siege to a tiny British garrison in the remote town of Kohima, Nagaland, to march further into India, which results in one of the turning points of the Second World War. Among the small group of British troops defending the garrison are four unlikely soldiers: Captain Timothy Hastings, who, before joining the army, was a tea-estate manager; Raan, a cook turned soldier; Chetri, a courageous Nepalese Gorkha; and Mongseng, a native headhunting warrior, who unwittingly becomes a part of the British imperial forces. Fighting for their lives amidst the battle, the four of them are left questioning the human cost of war. In Second World War Sandwich, Digonta Bordoloi crafts a thrilling novel that burns with intensity and unpacks the lesser-known Naga story of one of the most brutal wars in modern history.

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