Graphic Horror

Graphic Horror

Publisher : Book House
ISBN Number : 9781908973047
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 120 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st November, 2012
Graphic Horror is a collection of illustrated classics retold as exciting and fast-paced graphic novels for young readers, a format which is particularly popular with reluctant readers. Enjoy reading Dracula, Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in this engaging format. Straightforward narratives in modern English accompany key excerpts from the original novels, and difficult words and phrases are explained as they occur. A running glossary at the foot of each page helps young readers with any challenging vocabulary without disrupting their reading experience. Specially commissioned, full-colour, dramatic artwork faithfully respresents set-pieces from the plays, and brings excitement and atmosphere to the tales. Speech bubbles work with the main text to emphasise and enhance the retelling.

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