The Good Earth (An American Classic)

The Good Earth (An American Classic)

Writer : Pearl S. Buck
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
Category : Classic Fiction
ISBN Number : 9781471151873
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 368 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 14th January, 2016
When O-lan, a servant girl, marries the peasant Wang Lung, she toils tirelessly through four pregnancies for their family's survival. Reward at first is meagre, but there is sustenance in the land - until the famine comes. Half-starved, the family joins thousands of peasants to beg on the city streets. It seems that all is lost, until O-lan's desperate will to survive returns them home with undreamt of wealth. But they have betrayed the earth from which true wealth springs, and the family's money breeds only mistrust, deception - and heartbreak for the woman who had saved them. The Good Earthis a riveting family saga and story of female sacrifice - a classic of twentieth-century literature.

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