Mint Your Money

Mint Your Money

Writer : Pranjal Kamra
Publisher : Westland Business
Category : Self Help
ISBN Number : 9788194879039
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 204 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 15th February, 2021
A global economic slump, a shocking pandemic and a teetering job market underline, more powerfully than ever, the need to smartly manage your finances. In this personal finance guide, seasoned value investor Pranjal Kamra discusses focused and practical ways of not just managing but growing your money. Whether you’ve just started working or are already retired, whether you’re raking in money or barely getting by, you can (and need to) secure your financial future. With a firm focus on empowering the individual—which has earned him over two million YouTube subscribers—Pranjal demystifies investment, debt, tax and insurance, showing you how to make it all work for you. Intelligent and intelligible, Mint Your Money is specifically tailored to Indian needs and the Indian finance environment, so you can successfully grow your hard-earned money.

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