Capital (Volume I, II & III - 3 Books Set)

Capital (Volume I, II & III - 3 Books Set)

Writer : Karl Marx
Publisher : BeThink Books
Category : Non-Fiction
ISBN Number : B08KV7B7XW
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 1642 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 1st October, 2020
Capitalism is dynamic, constantly generating new types of production organizations and economic institutions, not just the factory system but more arrangements, financial institutions and structures, and legal systems. The accumulation of capital generates higher productivity and transforms systems, but it is also associated with uneven development. According to Karl Marx, capitalism is like being in a situation of continuous disequilibrium. This tendency of uneven development, which is not confined to a particular arena, has characterized all social and economic relations. Karl Marx's Das Capital is a book that can be read as a work of economics, sociology and history. He presents an analysis of the long-run dynamics of a mature capitalist economy. - The First Volume analyses the production and accumulation of surplus-value. - The Second Volume investigates the problems of realization of surplus-value. -The Third Volume analyses the mechanisms that lead to the distribution of surplus-value into income streams of different fractions of the ruling class.

2000  1800 

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