The Curious Marketer

The Curious Marketer

Writer : Harish Bhat
ISBN Number : 9780670089758
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 272 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 22nd February, 2017
From Apple to Tata Tea, many leading brands have their roots in curiosity. The desire to know more often leads to new ideas and new perspectives; for a marketer, curiosity shapes the way one looks at products and their branding in innovative ways. In his new book, Harish Bhat brings his expertise on branding, communication and consumer insights to bear on a rapidly developing consumer-facing arena, exploring more than fifty products, places, people, books and publicity campaigns that excite him as a marketer. From brand marketing using aliens and flying saucers to going big with a delicious local product (banana chips or coconut water), from the interesting concept behind multicolored socks to the metamorphosis of the Diwali shopper, Bhat touches on fascinating areas that marketers are targeting today. Immensely topical, this is a pleasurable read that will be of great interest to general readers, as well as students and professionals who work in the exciting area of marketing.


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