Skipping Christmas

Skipping Christmas

Writer : John Grisham
Publisher : Arrow Books
Category : Fiction
ISBN Number : 9780099559993
Type : Paper back
Page Count : 208 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 3rd November, 2011
No crowded shops, no corny office parties, no fruitcakes, no unwanted presents. That's just what Luther and Nora Krank have in mind when they decide that, just this once, they'll skip the holiday altogether. Theirs will be the only house on the street without a rooftop Frosty the snowman; they won't be hosting their annual Christmas Eve bash; they aren't even going to have a tree. They won't need one, because come December 25 they're setting sail on a Caribbean cruise. But, as this weary couple is about to discover, skipping Christmas brings enormous consequences - and isn't half as easy as they'd imagined.


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