Greatest Works of Oscar Wilde

Greatest Works of Oscar Wilde

Writer : Oscar Wilde
Category : Classic Fiction
ISBN Number : 9789389931440
Type : Hard cover
Page Count : 336 pages
Language : English
Published Date : 6th August, 2020
From criticism, essays, reviews, to novels, poetry, short stories, plays, and even children’s fiction, The witty and versatile Oscar Wilde wrote a lot. Amongst all these are two of his masterstrokes, works that earned him laurels and established his fame as a writer. This beautiful leather-bound edition, with gilded edges and beautiful endpapers, holds these critically acclaimed pieces—the importance of Being earnest, a play that has been revived many times and adapted for radio, television, film, operas, musicals, and the picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde’s only novel that became his most-read and well-known work.


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